Science to the Regions 3.0
The Phystech-schools development foundation together with MIPT, Physics and “Phystech-Lyceum” of Natural Sciences and Mathematics named after P.L. Kapitza and high-tech companies of Russia
A project for children that combines
education, science and business

Development and conservation
human resources potential in the region
Practical scientific, design and engineering activities for children
Popularization of achievements of science and higher education
High-quality training and increased motivation of leading young specialists
Effective Methods for Teaching Science Subjects
Guaranteed to improve results
What is «Science to the Regions»?
The «Science to the Regions» project is aimed at developing human scientific and technical potential in the regions, increasing the motivation of schoolchildren and vocational guidance for choosing engineering and technical professions by creating «school-university-high-tech company» consortiums throughout the country.

In the summer of 2020, specialized classes were launched in schools across Russia in physics, biotech and IT fields. During the implementation of the project, more than 2 thousand children and teachers from different parts of Russia were trained on the basis of MIPT.
The «Science to the Regions» project started in February 2017 on the initiative of the Phystech-schools development foundation, Phystech-Union, MIPT and Physics and «Phystech-Lyceum» with the support of Innopraktika. From 2017 to 2019, the project was aimed at developing centers for additional education in the regions - physics, chemistry, and mathematics circles. The program received support from the Russian Ministry of Education.
History and stages of the project
SR 1.0
From 2023, the program focuses on involving high-tech companies in the educational process to improve the quality of personnel training and their further employment and development in the region. Now more than 50 regions of the country are participating in the project. The plans are to make the program available to all children in our country who are interested in physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry and biology. Classes are being created in schools, and modern network bachelor's programs are being created in universities.
SR 2.0
SR 3.0
2017 – 2019
2020 – present
2023 – present
Educational Clubs
40 educational clubs
1000 children
18 regions
350 classes
15000 children
50 regions

Achieved project results for 2023
>15 000
open specialized classes
training programs developed
start of the project
children coverage of the project
methodological manuals written
hours of webinars conducted
project students – Olympiad participants
teachers trained
hours of video lectures filmed
participants of MIPT full-time courses
participants pass the Unified State Exam with 80+ points

Consortia are a new point of application for technological and personnel development
High tech company
  • Inclusion of schools, lyceums, universities, industrial and business partners, regional governments
  • Participation of industrial and high-tech enterprises in the educational process
  • Internships and graduate employment
  • Development of teaching staff at regional universities

Profiles of the project «Science to the Regions»
Physics and mathematics
Mathematical and computer science

The success of the Profiles of the project «Science to the Regions» project -
replication of the «Phystech System»
Educational sessions online, in the Technopark of the «Phystech-Lyceum» named after P.L. Kapitza, based at MIPT
Intensive courses from MIPT students to prepare for the Unified State Exam and Olympiads
Advanced training courses for teachers
Joint undergraduate programs of MIPT with specialized universities*
Profile classes and clubs for schools
* Joint bachelor's degree with MIPT (program «Talents to the Regions») — mentoring on the organizational and educational parts of the network programs of MIPT and regional universities by project experts - teachers of MIPT and Physics and Technology Lyceum. P.L. Kapitsa, honored pedagogical workers.
Internships and employment of graduates in partner companies

Methodist partners of the Foundation
Nazar Agakhanov
Sergey Kuzmichev
Associate Professor, Department of General Physics, MIPT, Ph.D.
Victoria Skobeeva
Associate Professor of the Department of Molecular and Biological Physics at MIPT and Associate Professor at MSU, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Higher Mathematics, MIPT, Ph.D.
Evgeniy Molchanov
Lecturer, Department of Higher Mathematics, MIPT, Ph.D.
Ilya Glukhov
Lecturer, Department of Higher Mathematics, MIPT, Ph.D.
Vladislav Yavorsky
Associate Professor, Department of Molecular and Biological Physics, MIPT, Ph.D.
Ivan Yudin
Lecturer at the Department of General Physics, MIPT, Ph.D.
Dmitry Tereshin
Lecturer, Department of Higher Mathematics, MIPT, Ph.D.
Evgeniy Kulikov
Associate Professor of the Department of Molecular and Biological Physics at MIPT and Associate Professor at MSU, Ph.D.
Maxim Karkeshkin
Associate Professor, Department of Molecular and Biological Physics, MIPT, Ph.D.
Leonid Koldunov
Lecturer at the Department of General Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Ph.D.
Ilya Dedinsky
Senior lecturer at the Department of Informatics at MIPT, teacher of informatics at the Moscow Lyceum «Second School»

Methodological materials «Science to the regions»
All teaching materials for the «Science to the Regions» project of the Foundation for the Development of Physics and Technology Schools can be found on the Foundation’s website.

For whom:
  • schoolkids
  • teachers
  • school directors
  • universities and their programs
  • enterprises
Project geography:
Schools, universities and enterprises from all regions of Russia can take part in the project.
Areas of training:
  • physical and mathematical
  • chemical-biological
  • mathematical and computer science
How to participate:
To participate in the project, you must be a representative of a school, university or enterprise in your region. You can contact the project organizers or leave a request, indicating your details.

Improving the quality of university education in the region through a joint program with MIPT, developing the teaching staff
Benefits of participating in the project «Science to the regions»
For universities
For schools
For companies
Teacher training, modern educational programs
and methods, scientific, methodological and expert support from teachers of MIPT and «Phystech-Lyceum» named after. P. L. Kapitsa
Young highly trained personnel who undergo internships, find employment and develop the business of companies

Formation of a list of areas of training and specialists needed by business participants of the consortium
Conclusion of a cooperation agreement with the Physics and Technology Schools Development Fund
Filing an application
Procedure for participation in the project
Implementation of a development strategy for specialized schools in a consortium with universities with the wishes of an industrial partner
Conducting advanced training courses for teachers within the framework of the “school-university-enterprise” concept
Creation and maintenance of specialized classes:
  • Advanced training courses in project activities
  • Project conference involving projects at school
Summing up and discussing plans for project development
** The rules of participation can be clarified or supplemented depending on regional characteristics and the requirements of the consortium of enterprises, schools and universities participating in the project.
Conducting advanced training courses for management staff of educational organizations in the regions according to the «Phystech System»

Leave an application for school participation in the «Science to the Regions» project

Olga Smorodova
E-mail: о

Head of the «Science to the Regions» project (school-university-enterprise)
Airat Idrisov
Заместитель исполнительного директора
по региональному развитию
Matvey Likholip
Head of the «Science to the Regions» project (specialized classes)
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